When she comes for me, I feel myself slipping towards the
edge, all that vast blue looming heavy beneath me, ready to swallow me up, the
yawning mouth, the abyss, the endless, endless depths, black as those iris-less
eyes, darkness that reaches back into my soul and finds itself, waiting in the
bitter bile of my secrets, all the failures stored up and waiting to pour out.
And as the whole rusty ship comes creaking down, tilting
very slowly so that gravity is turned on its side and we are leaned over,
backs parallel to the shimmering sea, parallel to the gray hulking mass, feet
still touching the deck, and our hair spilling all around our faces, and all of
us tumbling to certain death, I suddenly know that I am more than the sum of
all that blackness and I push against it until I am staring into gray-blue eyes
with tiny inky pinprick pupils, all emptied out. Everything evaporates.