Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Last Day in the USA and Being an Awesome Girlfriend

Well, folks, it's my last day in the USA. Unless you count tomorrow morning, which I don't because travel days are essentially nowhere days. Airports simply don't count.

As many of you may know I've been crafting a nifty little advent Calendar type project to give Casey while he awaits my return. And it turned out awesome! It was super fun to make, too, and last night I finally gave it to him. Check it out:

Awesome, yes? It basically a little hanging curtain of pockets, each of which contains a little weekly gift! There are a LOT, because I'm going for a semester but I have the option to extend for a year, so this calendar has enough pockets for a year's worth of weekly gifts. Potentially this means extras but hey, extras are better than falling short, right?

I've preemptively photographed all the items, so you can see how awesome they are. The first one is, in fact, my transnational heart, the inspiration for the poem, this sweet little hanging map heart my stepmama made me for Valentines day:

In less adorable news, I'm all packed up and ready to go. 46lbs of luggage, just barely missing the 50lbs mark! This evening I got to say goodbye to my fambam during a conveniently timed joint birthday party for two of my cousins. Also, since they were having chili dogs, and I'm a veggie, I brought a burrito and killed two birds with one stone; saying goodbye to the loud, lovely Fessendens, and saying goodbye to the joy of Mexican food. Oh, burritos, how I will miss you.

In closing, I'm super tired and Karen made me an awesome copper ship necklace that I forgot to post a photo of in the last blog. Behold:

Stoked! Good night!

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