Mellow late night pancake dinner, the Alhambra a'glow perched up in front of Mauna's terrace, tank top weather, sweating and searching for Fall classes, living room full of bare feet, Borja and his Italiana in aprons, beer and nisperos, tart orange fruit with thin skin and glossy chestnut seeds, shade in the huerto, a dog named Pulga (Flea!), hacky sack wars, dashing around at dusk, rabbit squeal at dinner, poor thing half-limp, Gato as fat and sleepy-eyed as ever, hot sauce, salad, police and personal space, borrachera and malabares, Pedro Antonio, girls with bangs and cigarettes, los 15 gatxs, dance, dance, surrender to the ridiculous, shadowy faces, free beer, stumble home, five minute bench break (vagabunda!) morning resaca, transnational delirium with Kim (5 days now!), bunny sized heart attack, water-soaked terraza, march down Gran Vía, dogs and big happy posters of protest, dancing foot steps and shaved heads, hot cement, the 99%, education, health, the sun slips away to the sounds of crackling megaphone cries, back at Adri's the lights are red, the music loud, my eyes are heavy, Saturday sun as hot as Hell, four pm rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, litro for breakfast, sweating on the bus, Vico tells me he doesn't want to be American, listen to American music, quick sandwiches, Google maps, exploding beer, up the hill (sweat!), pine needles under my feet, roving in the dark, muddy legs and sleepy eyes, headless bird surprise...
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