This weekend has been all sorts of exhausting fun! Friday night a group of us went to a club called Camborio, which is in the Albayzín and it was AMAZING. Seriously, go there. We got there just before 2am, so we got in for free, which was nice, but the actual structure of the place was so exciting. The first level is composed of a bunch of connecting caves. The air down there feels all thick and underground-like, and there was hardly anyone in the caves. The next level is even better; it's a big terrace with couches, chairs and tables and a truly incredible view of the Alhambra, all lit up at night!
The Alhambra at night! [These are all photos I've stolen from Leah; I didn't bring a camera.]
I swear, even if I hadn't felt inclined to have drinks or dance or anything, just sitting up on that terrace would have made for a great night. The third level is a smaller enclosed area with a bar and a dance floor. The walls are glass, too, so you can see out into the terrace, and funny enough, you can peer in and see people getting their groove on from the outside. The music was actually really awesome, too. They played some of the typical popular dance songs, both from the US and from Spain but also interspersed these dancey tunes with unexpected gems like a compilation of songs from Grease, or a random Al Greene song, or even the Red Hot Chili Peppers! And everyone seemed to know and love ALL the songs, which made for a super high energy vibe.
A lot of our time was spent dancing and taking one euro chupitos, but at one point Christina and I went outside to take a breather and admire the Alhambra, and we were instantly surrounded by raucous underage Spanish boys, who turned the full force of their attentions to Christina once they learned I had a boyfriend. It was a bit obnoxious but generally hilarious, and we managed to get some good Spanish practice out of it, especially after dragging Dan along to mitigate the weird gender imbalance. They spent a lot of the time yelling at Christina about how much they looked like Justin Bieber in broken English, which was pretty funny.
Leah, Courtney and I with some of the Justin Bieber enthusiasts. You have to admire the "serious face" going on towards the left.
Leah, Courtney and I with Pedro, who stayed with Leah's family when he studied abroad in the USA. I didn't really meet anyone else in this photo...
Later in the night, a few of us went down to check out the caves a little more. There was almost no one in them at all, so we began our own private dance party with tons of space and no inhibition and I have to say, despite the fact that I don't consider myself a particularly dancey person, it was an amazingly liberating and incredibly fun moment. Laurel and I danced through some of the adjoining caves and we discovered a few couples occupied with vigorous make out sessions, but no one paid us any attention and it was all around a superb night.
As you may have ascertained from my last entry, Saturday was an extremely sleepy one. I didn't wake up until 2pm, and then it was only because Courtney and Leah came by to see if I wanted to get breakfast with them. Which was a good idea, so I went and got some tortilla de patatas. So much yum. The day was really quite uneventful: homework, naps, etc. I did speak to Felipe and last night we all met up and drank a bit. We were supposed to go to a music festival but our knowledge of how to get there and whatnot kind of petered out until it was too late to really bother going. We did go to Six Colours and La Sal for a bit and see Angie and Patricia and some CA people. We met some some people and hung out in their apartment until the discussion about economics became unbearable, stopped by La Marisma for a bit, got some felafel, etc, etc. All in all a kind of meandering uneventful but definitely fun night.
Fun fact: I just discovered that Felipe's brother is also named Ulysses. How weird is that?
Today has been semi-productive but mostly lazy. Definitely going to crash hard tonight, but not before going out for tapas with Chelo!
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