Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I just spoke with Inma and signed up for classes! Ah, scary and exciting. There are six on my schedule but after the first week I can drop one of two to lighten my load, depending on how interesting/tough the classes seem. Here's my schedule:

Mondays and Wednesdays

Lenguaje Lit. y Lenguajes Audiovisuales
Literary language and audiovisual languages.

Metodología de la Enseñanza del Ingles
Methodology of teaching English.

Intro a la Pragmática del Español
Introduction to pragmatic Spanish.

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Lit. Española Desde 1939: Dictadura Exilio
Spanish lit since 1939: exile, dictatorship.

Lit. Norteamericana I
North American lit I.

Sociología de la Literature Española
Sociology of Spanish lit.

Apparently it shouldn't be a problem that some classes end as others begin since they're in the same building, but it still makes me nervous. I feel a little bit like a cheater for taking North American lit, since it's in English, but Inma agreed that it was a good idea to lighten my Spanish reading load a little.

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